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If you want to know more about the sterilization, the following articles will give you some help. These news is the latest market situation, trend in development, or related tips of the sterilization industry. More news about sterilization, are being released. Follow us / contact us for more sterilization information!
  • October 3rd - 6th, 2023


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  • Steam is used to power many processes in the energy sector, such as power turbines and sterilize equipment in the medical industry. This highly flexible gas comes in two forms: pure steam or clean steam which is generated from completely purified water. This article will explain the differences betw


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  • DRY HEAT VS AUTOCLAVES Dry HeatSterilization is essential in the lab animal science industry. Animal cages, tools, surfaces, and lab equipment require thorough sterilization to prevent the transfer of harmful microorganisms and pathogens which can have devastating consequences for the lab animals an


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  • Use Bowie-Dick test to meet the international anti-infection standard.Fix the Bowie-Dick testing program to ensure high sterilizing precision. Bowie-DickIt is developed by J. H. Bowie and J. Dick from microbion college of Edinburgh Royal Hospital UK which is used for testing the sterilizing effects


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  • Dvalue: It is the anti-heatina narameter of microoraanismThat meansunder a certain temnerature.the time is needed to kill 90%microoranism(reduce one logarithmunit)which is expressed as minuteD value is biagertemperature to kill the microbion will behiaherDifferent microorganism under different condi


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